Monday, December 10, 2012

Why do "Health Nuts" not look so healthy?

Are you the "Healthy" one in your group of friends or family. Do you eat all the right stuff, religiously take every supplement that is recommended by Dr. Oz, exercise, consume whole grains and beans, veggies and stay away from junk food etc? Are you almost neurotic about it?

Ok, that's me, I can't say I am always vigilant, we can all fall into the trap of the double chocolate birthday cake now and then, but in general, I work fairly hard at doing what I believe to be the right thing when it comes to what I eat without driving every waiter or companion crazy.
Salad has been my staple when in doubt on any occasion.

Some time ago, I found that I chipped my front tooth and have been on a search for resolution every since. In my journey an observation arose. Over the years I have been posed the question from those "health nuts" which is...

I do everything right, I eat right, I exercise, I don't drink or smoke, I do everything right, so why am I having this issue.

Most of them I can stereo-type in to one category... women who are almost too "thin". I see it a lot in my practice. It is easy to notice that young girls are too thin these days which seems to be the socially accepted "norm", no matter how unhealthy it is. But I am talking about women from around 30 and up. They seem to eat like birds, take a lot of nutrition supplements, exercise too much and feel they need to control every aspect of their diet and their family or friends diets. The never feel like they are relaxed and it is hard to relax around them because they seem to just make every situation stressful however hard they try not to. And they try really hard not to be or create stress, it seems they can't help themselves.

I pretty much fit that description also and have had to learn to keep my mouth shut when it comes to health in a casual conversation. I am quite passionate about health and nutrition, mostly because it is my profession, but I believe I have always been interested in the subject.

When I run across a patient that I find to be as I have described, I have often wondered: Why are they coming to see me, they are doing everything right?

I have found most of their issues are related to mineral deficiencies, which when supplemented, seems to help, but I had always believed there was some element that I was missing and recently I have pondered whether I have discovered what it is.

In my journey to find if I could "regrow" my chipped tooth, I came across a fascinating book that made me rethink certain foods that I had long since removed from my diet for one reason or another. Now, I am reintroducing them with a twist and finding some positive results.

As a kid and young adult, I was a big milk drinker. In my 20's I would consume about 1/2 gal of milk per day. I loved milk. When all my friends were eating pizza with a cola, I was eating it with milk. It seemed like the only thing that would settle my stomach (which was almost always full of "bubbles") Later, when I was informed that milk was probably the thing that was creating the problem, as hard as it was, I quit all milk products and low and behold, the problem disappeared, along with several other issues that I had since childhood.

From what I understand, milk is over-process in our society and maybe why it seems to "clog" up the body. As a child I remember the milk man delivering fresh milk to our door every morning. It would come with about an inch of cream on the top which would have to be mixed in (kind of a home homogenization process, HA).

Some people say that the molecules of cow's milk are too large to be utilized by the human body and that even calves do not take the cow's milk after they are grown. Most understand that goats milk is structured more similar to human milk than cow's milk... and generally the FDA does advise against consuming raw milk.

Either way, I did a little experiment and the results may or may not have something to do with the missing element. I began to drink raw cow's milk. Over the period of a month, I saw the tiny vertical lines around lips disappear. My eyebrows became thicker (for years, it seemed to me they were getting thinner and thinner, requiring more brow liner to fill them in). My eyelashes filled in. I had always had skimpy eyelashes, so imagine my surprise, when I looked into the mirror and decided I did not need eyeliner! My deltoid muscle became larger and defined. (It is commonly know that the deltoid muscle is the last to shrink during starvation - now think of all those skinny girls with almost nonexistent deltoid muscles!) My skin became more if I has a collagen injection. As far as the milk goes, I was only drinking about 4-6 oz a day.  I admit, I was also eating raw cheese, raw butter and some raw sour cream throughout and this may have added to the effect.

I have since been told by my medical doctor not to consume milk, stating that it is not good for me. This is kind of the standard response. She says the residual effect are not worth it but I have to say, I was loving the results when I was drinking milk....

Any thoughts?

I would like to know if anyone else has noticed anything from drinking goat's milk?
Are you the "Healthy" one in your group of friends or family. Do you eat all the right stuff, religiously take every supplement that is recommended by Dr. Oz, exercise, consume whole grains and beans, veggies and stay away from junk food etc? Are you almost neurotic about it?

Ok, that's me, I can't say I am always vigilant, we can all fall into the trap of the double chocolate birthday cake now and then, but in general, I work fairly hard at doing what I believe to be the right thing when it comes to what I eat without driving every waiter or companion crazy.
Salad has been my staple when in doubt on any occasion.

Some time ago, I found that I chipped my front tooth and have been on a search for resolution every since. In my journey an observation arose. Over the years I have been posed the question from those "health nuts" which is...

I do everything right, I eat right, I exercise, I don't drink or smoke, I do everything right, so why am I having this issue.

Most of them I can stereo-type in to one category... women who are almost too "thin". I see it a lot in my practice. It is easy to notice that young girls are too thin these days which seems to be the socially accepted "norm", no matter how unhealthy it is. But I am talking about women from around 30 and up. They seem to eat like birds, take a lot of nutrition supplements, exercise too much and feel they need to control every aspect of their diet and their family or friends diets. The never feel like they are relaxed and it is hard to relax around them because they seem to just make every situation stressful however hard they try not to. And they try really hard not to be or create stress, it seems they can't help themselves.

I pretty much fit that description also and have had to learn to keep my mouth shut when it comes to health in a casual conversation. I am quite passionate about health and nutrition, mostly because it is my profession, but I believe I have always been interested in the subject.

When I run across a patient that I find to be as I have described, I have often wondered: Why are they coming to see me, they are doing everything right?

I have found most of their issues are related to mineral deficiencies, which when supplemented, seems to help, but I had always believed there was some element that I was missing and recently I have pondered whether I have discovered what it is.

In my journey to find if I could "regrow" my chipped tooth, I came across a fascinating book that made me rethink certain foods that I had long since removed from my diet for one reason or another. Now, I am reintroducing them with a twist and finding some positive results.

As a kid and young adult, I was a big milk drinker. In my 20's I would consume about 1/2 gal of milk per day. I loved milk. When all my friends were eating pizza with a cola, I was eating it with milk. It seemed like the only thing that would settle my stomach (which was almost always full of "bubbles") Later, when I was informed that milk was probably the thing that was creating the problem, as hard as it was, I quit all milk products and low and behold, the problem disappeared, along with several other issues that I had since childhood.

From what I understand, milk is over-process in our society and maybe why it seems to "clog" up the body. As a child I remember the milk man delivering fresh milk to our door every morning. It would come with about an inch of cream on the top which would have to be mixed in (kind of a home homogenization process, HA).

Some people say that the molecules of cow's milk are too large to be utilized by the human body and that even calves do not take the cow's milk after they are grown. Most understand that goats milk is structured more similar to human milk than cow's milk... and generally the FDA does advise against consuming raw milk.

Either way, I did a little experiment and the results may or may not have something to do with the missing element. I began to drink raw cow's milk. Over the period of a month, I saw the tiny vertical lines around lips disappear. My eyebrows became thicker (for years, it seemed to me they were getting thinner and thinner, requiring more brow liner to fill them in). My eyelashes filled in. I had always had skimpy eyelashes, so imagine my surprise, when I looked into the mirror and decided I did not need eyeliner! My deltoid muscle became larger and defined. (It is commonly know that the deltoid muscle is the last to shrink during starvation - now think of all those skinny girls with almost nonexistent deltoid muscles!) My skin became more if I has a collagen injection. As far as the milk goes, I was only drinking about 4-6 oz a day.  I admit, I was also eating raw cheese, raw butter and some raw sour cream throughout and this may have added to the effect.

I have since been told by my medical doctor not to consume milk, stating that it is not good for me. This is kind of the standard response. She says the residual effect are not worth it but I have to say, I was loving the results when I was drinking milk....

Any thoughts?

I would like to know if anyone else has noticed anything from drinking goat's milk?

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Does the Pain in your Legs relate to your head?

The body is designed to maintain balance at all cost. So when you see someone limping or favoring  one leg, it is logical that the other leg is doing something that it would not be doing if they were walking normally. The body kind of torques and twists to accommodate the leg, so one shoulder will generally drop lower than the other and probably be rotated a little more forward, etc.. What do you think happens to the neck? And is the neck attached to the head? Sure! So lets look at the backwards.

It is know that there are 22 bones in the head and they are connected by sutures of a sort. These suture areas allow the 22 cranial bones to flex, ever so slightly to allow for the pulse of the brain. Just think of when a baby goes through the birthing canal. In the past, it was believed that those flexible bones would fuse together and then never move again. Now we know they still move, just minimally. However, they can become stuck or unable to move for many reasons. Some believe the movement of the cranial bones through the birthing canal is a necessary trip to kick start the pulse of the brain, otherwise, they become stuck and lead to asthma, illness etc. The common use of forceps and suction during birth might also be restricting the pulse from starting.

Once the bones are immovable, all types of things become restricted in the body. Why? Because the Dura Mater connects nearly everything from the brain, through the spinal nerves and this material eventually connects to the fascia (which covers every muscle fiber and group of fibers in the body). If the bones are restricted, the Dura Mater is not able to work properly, eventually the body has to compensate so it twists itself up over the years. Eventually, one day you look in the mirror and one hip is higher than the other. One shoulder is higher than the other, your head is slightly tilted and cocked to one side. One leg is shorter than the other, etc. But all you notice is this slight limb that seems to be getting worse even though you have never had an injury and your shoes wear out differently on one side. Of course an injury could also affect the cranial bones.

So here we are with these immovable cranial bones....what to do, what to do...  There are techniques now which address just that, and take only minutes to do. I call them "cranial techniques" :)

Cranial Techniques loosen the cranial bones to allow movement again and the results I am getting are FASCINATING!  25 year ringing-in-the-ears is gone after one treatment. Pain is gone, vision starts to clear, improved mental clarity, neck pain gone, shoulder pain gone, numbness in the arm gone. Most patients say they feel they can finally take a deep breath without struggling or stand up without back pain. What I notice is that most people have one eye lower than the other or slightly more closed. After the treatment they are the same level and size!

I learned this technique several years ago, but only recently began to use it again. There are so many advantages. Nearly everyone has some type of structural holding pattern and can benefit. So if you are not near my offices in Fort Lauderdale, FL or Kelleys Island, OH, try to find someone in your area and give it a try. I recently worked on a 50 year old, that has practiced yoga for years and even she exclaimed it helped her.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Look 10 years Younger - Acupuncture Facials diminish wrinkles without pain

Are those little lines and wrinkles creeping up on you?
Do you have an aversion to surgery or just don't like the unnatural look of face lift/plastic surgery?

I remember the first time that I recognized the manner in which Acupuncture Facials could affect someone. During "clinic rounds" while I was studying Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, I worked on a patient who signed up for 10 sessions of Facial Acupuncture, however, I only worked with her the first visit.

About 7 weeks later, I saw a vaguely familiar woman walking down the clinic hallway and asked one of the other students who she was.

The student told me that woman was the patient who was receiving the Acupuncture Facial series.

I was shocked!

She looked 10 years younger to me. (If I recall correctly, she was appx 45-47, but definitely looked in her mid 30's) The other students working with her said they thought it was improving her appearance but it seemed more gradual to them, since they had seen her and worked with her every week. I had only seen her the first visit. I believed she also looked "healthier" and definitely had a "glow" that she did not have at the start of the treatment. Acupuncture not only affects the superficial aspect of the lines and wrinkles, it also treats the underlying health issue that contribute to aging skin which no surgery can affect. So you feel better, look better and are healthier in the long run.

She came one time a week for 10 weeks total which is the recommended treatment course.

Since then, I have performed these Anti-Aging Acupuncture Facials in my practice but have always wondered why anyone would have facial surgery, when this non-surgical, natural face-lift was available.

The biggest hurdle that Acupuncture faces is that people generally cannot believe that it is not painful. I can only explain it like this:

Acupuncture needles are so tiny, similar to the size of a cat's whisker. The shape and design of the "filaform" needle allow it to slip between skin fibers rather than tear a hole in the nerve rich upper layers of the skin like a hypodermic syringe (which we are more accustomed to in the medical field). Generally, you do not even feel a pinch with Acupuncture needles.

Acupuncture filaform needles are inserted using a tube that is slightly shorter than the needle. The needle is then popped quickly, rather than forced/pushed as with a syringe. Because the skin's nerve endings are located in the top layer of the skin, and the Acupuncture needle quickly bypasses this area, thanks to the the tube, the patient only feels the pressure of the tube, which also distracts the nerve endings. Most patients feel NO needle insertion.

I usually demonstrate needle insertion on myself for apprehensive patients, which ellicits no reaction at all from myself. This usually eliminates most fears but I also offer a topical anesthesia/numbing cream which is helpful with patients receiving facial work.

Acupuncture anti-aging facelifts are approx. 1/10th + the cost of plastic surgery (it's like getting a 90% discount without the bruises and recovery!) Usually no one knows you are having "work done", because the results are gradual, over a 10 week time period. However many patient mention that their friends ask if are doing something different. Many patients simply tell friends they are getting Acupuncture for stress, which is completely accurate! (It is highly recognized for reducing stress and affecting all types of pain also).

If you want a great alternative to plastic surgery face lifts, I feel that Anti-Aging Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation far-exceeds in all respects.

Patricia J Ahner, AP, LAc, LMT